Stop Revit Double-Click For Family Editor

When using Revit, do you ever get irritated with a family opening up in the family editor when you accidently double-click on the family while working in a project?  I do (when on a different computer than my own).  Revit added this great feature a few releases ago to enable easier access to modify families so that you don’t have to select the family and then choose the Edit Family command.  However, I have found this feature to be more annoying than helpful when in production mode.

To turn this feature off:

  • Go to the Application menu (the big “R” at the top left of the screen) and chose the “Options” button at the bottom of the menu.
  • In the left side of the Options dialog box, select the User Interface category.
  • Select the Customize... button next to Double-click Options.
  • In the Customize Double-click Settings dialog box, select the box next to Family.
  • Pick the arrow for the drop-down box and choose the Do Nothing option.
  • Pick the OK buttons to exit the dialog boxes.



  • I believe this feature should be turned off for production users that do not need to modify families.
  • This is a user-specific setting for each version of Revit.

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